Spring 2025
Sign-up through each Bridge link to have events added to your calendar!
Pre-Session Social
Thursday, January 16 from 8-9:30am
Stop by Adele Hall Learning Commons (Love Library North First Floor) near Dunkin' for coffee and snacks.
There's no official program so come by as your schedule allows to reconnect after break.
General Meeting: UNL Academic Advising Team
Wednesday, February 5 from 3:30-5pm
Louise Pound Hall 141 (City Campus)
Lunch & Learn
Thursday, February 20 from 12-1:30pm
Nebraska Union Regency Suite
Lunch with other attendees starting at 12. Conversations with CAST and SSD will start at 12:30.
UNL & UNO Professional Development Day
Thursday, April 17 from 8:30am-4pm
Mammel Hall, UNO Scott Campus
Session Proposals Deadline: Friday, Feb. 28
General Meeting: AAA Elections
Tuesday, April 22 from 3:30-5pm
Massengale Multipurpose Room (East Campus)