AAA has four different committees that provide members an opportunity to learn and connect with one another and colleagues from different parts of the campus community. Each committee normally hosts an event or an activity once per semester.  If you are interested in joining or partnering with a committee for an event, please contact the AAA Chair-Elect or the chairs/co-chairs, listed below.

Committee Title & Description 2024-2025 Chairs or Co-Chairs
Networking: Facilitates social and professional connection between members. Previous activities include: a mentoring program, happy hours, trips to local attractions/activities, workday lunch hours, and holiday events. TBD
Professional Development: Provides programming around growing our professional knowledge and skillset, and sharing information and techniques to make us more effective practitioners. Previous activities include: conference summary presentations, brown bag lunch speakers, webinars, and common read book groups. TBD
Conference: Plans, coordinates, and implements the annual conference for student affairs professionals. Previous activities include: theme development, solicitation and review of conference proposals, registration, and event planning. None
Social Justice & Inclusion: Creates opportunities for members to understand and think critically about the experiences of underrepresented populations, and develop effective strategies to implement in our practice. Previous activities include: identity exploration exercises, and self-care practices. TBD